Tiny Talk Tuesday 2012 Edition

During the tour of my classroom I hinted at the fact that I have a couple of real characters in my class this year.  I have no doubt  they will give me enough fodder that I should be able to post a weekly Tiny Talk Tuesday should time allow.  It’s looking to be a fun year!

On the third day of school for lesson time the kids were going to get their first chance to use their new school supplies.  I had them get out their name cards and their pencil boxes and I gave them a blank piece of paper.  Everyone took a turn looking at themselves in the mirror, then they were to write their name on the paper (or try their best) and draw a picture of themselves.  After demonstrating and re-iterating the process, I went to my desk to sort through their folders.  G (you will become very familiar with G this year!) says to me, “How do you spell Peter Parker?”  I said, “Your name is not Peter Parker. It’s G.”  He says, “Well, I changed it.  So, how do you spell Peter Parker?” (I made him write his real name, much to his chagrin.)

It was story time and  I was reading the classic Eric Carle book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar to the class.  In the beginning of the book he’s a very hungry caterpillar and after eating a lot of food, he becomes a big, fat caterpillar.  As I finished reading that line a chorus of “ooooohs” and laughter occurred.   Because in PreK anytime words like fat, kiss, ugly, underwear, butt, or even but are said, there will be a reaction of some sort.  Most of the time the chorus of “oooohs” since most of those are words they think are “bad”.   M (who you will also become quite familiar with) states very matter of factly, “I’m fat” amid all the ooooh-ing.  She is a large girl, but not fat.  I had to try not to laugh (since it’s sad she would think that at even this young age) but the the way she said it like stating the weather was so funny.

The children get picked up in the classroom at noon, but sometimes traffic or trains make mom or dad a little late.  G’s mom hadn’t arrived yet so we were sitting in the foyer waiting.  The new maintenance man was also waiting there.  All of the sudden G gets up and starts walking over to him.  I ask him to please sit back down, and he says, “I have to talk to him.” pointing at the very tall man.  I knew this would be interesting so I followed him.  When G got to him he had to look way up.  He said, “Hi. Do you have a kid?”  To which the man laughingly replied, “No.”  G thought a moment then said, “Well, when will you get a a kid?”   The man said, “When I find a wife.” G said, “Ok.”  Then walked back to his spot and sat down.  Not sure what that was all about, but it definitely shows G is always thinking!

We were at recess and G walked up to me tattling that M had tried to kiss him.  We  already had the classroom talk about only kissing our family members.  I called M over and asked her, “Did you try to kiss G?”  M answered, “Yes.”  I reminded her about not kissing our school friends, and she responded, “But he’s SOOOO beautiful!”  All 3 of us teachers at recess had to turn around so she wouldn’t see us cracking up.

That’s all I’ve got for this week, but then again that was only the first 3 days of school, and I’ve been pretty busy.  I’m going to have to keep a notepad with me at all times this year I think!

Classroom Tour: Part Four (The End)

Well, it only took four posts to show you my whole room.  I’ve had fun sharing it with you, and I hope you’ve had fun on the tour!  It would be really cool if I could have done a video blog, but I’m not technologically savvy enough for that.  Maybe next year.

Writing Center

This year I decided to make my writing center a little smaller since it’s a seldom used area, and greatly crosses over with the art center.  I like it much better than the way I had it last year, but I have one little guy who will spend all his free time in the writing center using the stamps.  The first two days of school I was so embarrassed when his mom picked him up.  He was covered in purple ink.  A 4 inch streak across his forehead, his hands entirely purple, his white t-shirt had multi-colored splotches of ink on it.  She didn’t say anything, so on the third day of school I apologized to her for sending her son home in such a state.  She said that was nothing compared to what he looks like at the END of the day.  That made me feel better, and realize I have a true-life Pig Pen of Charlie Brown fame in my class.

My Desk

In this pic you can see the birthday board on the wall, and my desk area.  This year I covered all my bulletin boards and the section of wall for birthdays, in felt.  I was hoping all that fabric would help absorb some of the massive echo that’s in the room.  The ceilings are SO high and even though there is special sound absorbing paint on the upper walls and ceiling it doesn’t help much when 14 little voices get going!  I had a super fun idea to cover the front of my desk with a grass table skirt from the party store.  I kept it up with some zebra patterned duct tape.  Very fun.  My desk is pretty awesome and has tons of storage space.

Shape Elephants

On the wall behind my desk I hung the shape elephants I made.  These were the first things I made over the summer for the room and I love how they turned out.

Calm Down Spot (time-out)

The last spot in our little tour is our “calm down spot” formerly know as “time out”.  It’s an area where the kids can go on their own if they need a break from the busyness of the classroom, or in some case will be sent should they have a prolonged meltdown that continues to interrupt the learning of the rest of the class.  It’s been a bit of a problem for some of my kids who go to before school care in the daycare of our school.  A few of them arrive at 6:15 in the morning and by the time they reach me at 8:15, they’re ready for a nap!  To be real, I am too!  This getting up at 5am stuff is literally for the birds.  Of which I am not one.  I had to assign a tape mark for morning meeting far from the calm down spot for one little girl because she would always try to lay down as soon as meeting started.

Well, that concludes the tour of my PreK room this year.  I hope you enjoyed seeing it as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you!  I wish you could all see it in person as it’s so much better that way.  You could always join us in the art center for lunch someday 😉